Striving for excellence in all that you do every day, in every way and at every age sets you apart from the flock. You see value in being at your best, you are the exceptional. So, your friends, those that are close to you and those that are around you the most need to endeavor to be their best self too.
If you are positively living your best life, constantly developing intellectually, spiritually and mentally then there are times that you may outgrow a friend or two. Move forward as you’ll experience new opportunities that will lead to new friends and relations.
My grandmother used to say, “you are lucky if in your life-time you know five people that you can call a friend. That friends who want to keep you down-on-the-farm so to speak are not a good influence, move forward without them”. The naysayers who have no aspirations, so they put you down for cramming to get straight “A’s” or for being your best. Some friends just want to plug into you without sending any juice back. This is a drain on your precious creative juices, so move forward without them…. If you are exceptional, your friends need to be the exceptional! Friends encourage one another and rejoice in each other’s successes. Remember, a good friend will be a little sad to see you leave the old neighborhood, but they will wish you well and come to visit you often!
Be bold and bloom. Superself with Zalise.
Very concise and to the point. The length of the messages are just right. No fillers; just the whole truth.
Terri, I agree and thank you so much! Zalise
You are fabulous as always Zalise!
Carrie thank you so much for your support. Zalise
Such wise words! This really hit home. Thank you Zalise!
Heather thank you. Hope you are well and so good to hear from you. Zalise
This is a great read. The way you mentor us through your soft and sincere style of writing is subtle. You cause deep reflections and feelings about my work, friends, family, and specially my lifelong partner.
Thank you
Thank you so much for your support! Zalise