Be the best that you can be everyday in every way

SuperSelf Stays Strong During Coronavirus

SuperSelf Stays Strong During Coronavirus

Mercy, mercy, me.  Ah, things ain’t what they used to be in my beloved City.  The Coronavirus has most of us sheltered-in our homes, and practicing social-distancing when we must go out. The streets of San Francisco are bare which shows that its residence care about...
SuperSelf Shares Healing Tools

SuperSelf Shares Healing Tools

Christmas time is here, it is my favorite time of the year and I want to share a couple of items that have become two of my favorite things, the Miko and the Breo. First, an update on my healing journey. I think it’s a battle that I am slowly winning: As most of...
SuperSelf Continues the Fight

SuperSelf Continues the Fight

Living with chronic ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease; #Interstitiallungdisease) caused by an autoimmune disease that attacked my lungs, muscles, and nerves, causing all sorts of havoc with my body is not a pretty picture and It has been very hard for me to swallow at...