Be the best that you can be everyday in every way

SuperSelf Continues the Fight

SuperSelf Continues the Fight

Living with chronic ILD (Interstitial Lung Disease; #Interstitiallungdisease) caused by an autoimmune disease that attacked my lungs, muscles, and nerves, causing all sorts of havoc with my body is not a pretty picture and It has been very hard for me to swallow at...
SuperSelf Has Courage

SuperSelf Has Courage

Have the courage to say what you feel and what you mean. Have the courage to rise up to the occasion to do the right thing, say the truthful thing and have the courage to admit mistakes. We are so lucky to be experiencing the climate of change in support of...
SuperSelf, A Powerful, Positive Message

SuperSelf, A Powerful, Positive Message

Parents, let’s “teach our young daughters to be bold and powerful” in order to push through those challenging days as they reach for the stars with determination! Enjoy the attached positive video…..Be bold and bloom. SuperSelf with Zalise...
SuperSelf Owns Challenging Days

SuperSelf Owns Challenging Days

There are no bad days!  Some days are more challenging than others. Remember this, as long as you are a positive thinker with a cool, calm and in control attitude, there is not anything that you cannot handle. When you find yourself having a challenging day, think of...
SuperSelf Jump-starts Each Day With Thanks

SuperSelf Jump-starts Each Day With Thanks

Success in our daily lives means there are some things that we need to do consistently to feel good, do good and look good every day. Starting each day out being mindful of your body, mind, and spirit is not difficult.  This is what I do to jump-start my day. Before I...